The latest news headlines are loaded with information about Zika virus. What does this mean? What are the consequences for the global community? And are there any means available to prevent the spread of the Zika virus? This essay will look at the problem of Zika virus and name the main possibilities of reducing the spread of the virus.
According to the World Health Organization, the Zika virus is considered to be the primary cause of the steeply increased rates of microcephaly (unusually small head of newborns) and Guillain-Barré syndrome. The main transmission channel of the Zika virus is the bite of the infected Aedes mosquito. In addition, the virus could be transmitted by the Culex mosquito. Unfortunately, the Zika virus could be transferred also through sexual contact, blood, saliva and body fluids that make it transferrable to the long distances. The location of Zika is detected mainly in tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, the Americas, Asia and Pacific region. The symptoms include mild fever, muscle pain, tiredness, but, in general, do not call for something special.
The significant issue related to Zika virus is the possible solutions for the problem. The World Health Organization suggests several steps to reduce the spread of Zika virus. First of all, it is suggested to reduce the effects of El Niño in Pacific region contributing to the growth of Aedes mosquito population. This requires coordinated actions at international level. However, people, especially pregnant women and planning pairs can protect themselves from mosquito bites by wearing the light clothes that covers most parts of the body, using repellents containing DEET (diethyltoluamide) or IR 3535 which is the best biologically active component in killing mosquitoes, using mosquito nets and other physical preventive barriers.
Aedes mosquitos cannot travel the long distances. Thus, it is possible to prevent the distribution of the virus by national programs directed towards the minimization of mosquitoes populations. Specifically, the authorities can target polluted water areas and minimize the uncovered water areas (cover septic tanks with the special arrangements). Particular actions will help to reduce the population of mosquitoes that multiply in wet areas.
To conclude, it is essential to mention that Zika virus is spread mainly through the bites of the infected Aedes mosquitoes and affects the fetuses of pregnant women. The consequences of the infection are the neurological disorders in infants, microcephaly and Guillain-Barré syndrome. Even though the virus has lately spread to Americas and Europe, it is possible to prevent the development of the virus by sanitation means, personal care and coordinated efforts at the global level (minimization of the El Niño effects).
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