There is an opinion that students like controversial topics, so the challenge of writing a position paper seems to be quite compelling. In this assignment, you have to choose your subject of interest and select a particular side regarding a burning issue, an event, or an investigation. It should be a well-researched topic with a vivid position of the author who writes about it. Although your point of view may be unique, you cannot express it reasonably without applying certain statistics, facts and opinions of others. Only a well-constructed argument deserves accolades in the end. However, the fundamental question is: do you truly know how to write a position paper?
What is a Position Paper? Comprehend Its Essence Before You Start Writing
You cannot immerse in the writing process without the proper understanding of a position paper definition. Unfortunately, a range of students misunderstands the purpose and even the whole context of a position assignment. They perceive it as an ordinary report on a specific issue, while its essence is much more complex and enticing.
A position paper is a project that discloses an arguable judgement about a specific issue. It can be also called a position piece if you explore a narrow issue or something brief. Such essays are typically published in academic journals or in political mass media. Such a position can be similarly expressed on jurisprudential matters.
Writing a Good Position Paper
As you already realized, a good position paper essay should reflect an argumentative and convincing opinion its author selects as their preference. Your audience should be all ears when trying to comprehend your standpoint. They should be reassured that your argument is authentic and credible. When taking a specific position, you must still explore versatile elements of the subject matter, as sounding one-sided may not be substantial enough. However, one part of your argument should be more extensive, as it should embody a fundamental problem. Your readers or listeners should be persuaded regarding the sufficient knowledge on the topic you possess. Hence, you cannot present sheer opinions without imposing evidence. Both claims and counterclaims should be well-balanced.
Criteria of the Issue Under Investigation
You should not neglect establishing the credibility of a topic that evoked your interest. If you struggle with presenting a strong argument, the following questions might help you out:
- What is the core trigger of the issue in question?
- What are its major controversies?
- Is it possible to discern two contrasting positions on the issue?
- Is there your interest that makes you explore the topic?
- Is the subject matter broad or narrow? Can you manage it properly in a succinct investigation?
The elements of an effective position paper assignment to focus on:
1. If you explore a topic related to a particular country, you should briefly introduce its history and influence in relation to the subject matter;
2. Special policies and justifications regarding the issue;
3. Reputable and influential quotes of the state’s leaders – all related to the topic;
4. Verified statistics to support the official position on the burning issue;
5. Effective or ineffective actions that have been already taken;
6. Ratified resolutions of the state regarding the problem;
7. Probable actions of the United Nations in relation to the issue;
8. The beliefs of the country regarding the future prospects or solutions;
9. The official accomplishment in a particular committee.
Those specific aspects allude to the significance of a thorough research to compose a decent position paper. An in-depth investigation endows your essay with value. Consequently, the initial step that would instigate a successful start of your research position paper is reading a background guide. It helps you to make a field of your scrutiny narrower.
Working on a Position Paper Outline
Although a title is not necessarily generated in the first place, you can attempt inventing proper titles even at the beginning of the research. It leads directly to outlining the major aspects of the essay. One crucial feature of the position paper to remember is that your task is to create a meaningful counterargument.
An outline of such a composition has also its precise structure:
- Introduction
Start with the issue’s presentation. Then, mention why the history behind it is essential. List all the controversial aspects. Generate a unifying thesis statement that personifies the major contradiction.
- Body
2.1. Your audience must comprehend the prevailing opinion along with your core arguments and their evidence.
2.2. A credible data should support all your arguments, showing evidence of the preliminary investigation. It is advisable to come up with an equal number of counter-arguments in relation to their pro-arguments. For instance, if you present 5 major ideas, they must have 5 logical opposing statements.
- Conclusion
Your contrasting opinions should be restated in this part. Every argument should be properly summarized. There should be contemporary and future strategies to handle the issue.
Conventional but Effective Parts of a Position Paper
The typical position paper consists of the following fundamentals:
- Introduction. It classifies the subject matter that will be further elucidated in the composition. It also sheds light on the key position of the author.
- Main body. It encompasses all the central arguments you might have. It can be subsequently divided into such parts as:
1. Background of the issue;
2. Veritable evidence that supports your opinion;
3. Insightful discussion of the issue’s discrepant sides.
- Conclusion. It reiterates the core ideas along with their practical implementations.
How to Compose Position Paper Example
Even writing a sample position paper, you must treat it seriously. None statement can be made freely and be a product of your mind unless you come up with a decent supporting evidence for the position taken. While you are getting ready to do your homework, asking yourself again: how to write a position paper? – we would like to introduce our sample.
United Nations Security Council
Country: United Kingdom
Delegate: Name Surname
Topic: The Revival of Colonization
A burning issue of the modern world is a revival of colonization, which puts international peace at risk. How did this colonization resurgence happen? It all started when various countries of Europe invaded the national sovereignty of other states using outdated military approaches. Any dubious military intervention is dangerous, as it can degrade general human values as well as oppress human rights. The primary consequences of colonization are rebellions, which raise concerns in the United Kingdom.
The experience of colonization in the past instigated mainly negative impacts, such as widespread anarchy and harassment. If to recollect English colonizers, it is easy to find evidence behind their encroachment upon human rights. Their actions led to abuse and maltreatment of people who lived in colonies. Logically, mistreated individuals began to organize uprisings. In the modern context, the UK is against any kind of colonization, as history teaches us on the grim outcomes.
Therefore, there has been a reasonable condemnation of colonization by the United Kingdom. Addressing the General Assembly, the peacemaker country criticized the potential colonizers and revealed support for those nations, which risk becoming colonizing victims. Civilians were immensely supported by humanitarian aid from the UK. Furthermore, British authorities decided to cut the strings of international partnership with countries-colonizers by providing strict sanctions.
There are two effective solutions to the colonization burning issue suggested by the UK. Firstly, authoritative diplomats should be sent to colonized nations. It will ensure that human rights will be still valued, not compromised. Besides, the peacekeeping troops of the UNSC will start fighting with colonizers in case of sudden military attacks. Secondly, there is a proposal to evict colonizing nations using legitimate reasons.
Furthermore, national sovereignty desecration and human rights contravention will also be recognized by UNSC authorities. Such peacemaking decisions along with strict sanctions in relation to colonizers are likely to be effective.
To conclude, the United Kingdom has presented an unchangeable standpoint against colonization in the contemporary world. This country established specific regulations that allow to convict colonizers in case of spontaneous attacks. The UK authorities encourage the global community to believe that peacekeepers will contribute to the colonizing conflict resolution.
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