The differences between organic and conventional foods have caused plenty of debates, recently. The experts animatedly discuss the nature and characteristics of both organic and non-organic products, stressing on their strong and weak sides. Still, it is difficult to decide which kind of nutrition is more beneficial for the human health and well-being. The differences between these two kinds of foods lie not only in their physical qualities, but also in the chemical content and amount of nutrients. It is essential to analyze the peculiarities of each type in order to make the right choice for the daily diets.
The most striking difference between the organic and convention food consists in the comprising of chemical substances. Thus, organic food is the one, the production or growth of which does not utilize any chemical fertilizers or pesticides. As a result, this food does not comprise any harmful substances, which could have negatively influenced the human health. At the same time, conventional food applies to the synthesis of chemicals, in the process of its growth. At first glance, the benefits of the organic food become obvious. However, the advantages of such products are still doubtless, in comparison with the conventional food.
The other difference between organic and non-organic products consists in their physical qualities. It is easy to notice that non-organic products of one group are usually equal in forms and shapes. Partially, this phenomenon can be explained by the utilization of the growth-enhancing substances, which determine the appearance of the very food products. Correspondingly, they have the same forms and look quite attractive and tasty.
At the same time the organic products of one group are usually various and diverse, in terms of their form and shape. There are no unique standards toward their physical characteristics. In addition, organic products usually look imperfect and even unattractive, when judging of their forms. The crux of the matter consists in the fact that organic food is deprived of any fertilizers or artificial supplements, responsible for the growth and shapes of food. Overall, the physical differences are the other indexes, which help to distinguish between these two types of products (Solomon 2013).
Thirdly, the organic and non-organic foods possess different quality characteristics. Thus, the organic food is required to follow certain standards of quality and possess the relative certificates (Solomon 2013). The tendency is caused by the necessity to control the growth of organic food and trace its impact on the human health. At the same time, conventional food does not follow any particular standards of quality. Therefore, this question remains subjective as it refers to the individual tastes and preferences.
Furthermore, it is important to mention about the impact of both types of food on the environment. Thus, the organic food is considered to be eco-friendly since it does not pollute the nature with heavy pesticides and other harmful chemicals. As a result, such products are beneficial for farming as they do not exhaust the soils and deteriorate the water supplies. On the contrary, conventional food brings more harm to the environment, because of its utilization of the various chemical substances. While these supplements do not represent threat to the human health, they may bring enormous threat to other living beings and whole eco-systems, in general (Zhu et al 712). From this point of view, organic food contains more advantages and benefits.
As for the other advantages of the organic food, it is necessary to mention about a high level of vitamins and nutrients, it comprises. This aspect is of great value among the consumers, according to recent studies (Lusk, and Briggerman 184). Organic products contain exclusively natural ingredients, which are easily absorbed by the human organism. Overall, the environmental friendliness and high nutritional value are the major pluses of the organic food.
However, organic food also hides some drawbacks. One of them is the issue of food safety. Natural products are deprived of the chemicals, and they may contain living organisms (bacteria, fungus), which can penetrate into the human organism via the food (Hansen 820). Besides, these products are not protected from the probable diseases, typical for the plants. Moreover, the prices for organic food are usually higher, in comparison with the conventional one. Thus, the weak sides of organic food do not allow consumers considering it absolutely beneficial and safe.
At the same time, conventional food does not represent any organic threats for humans. These products are also deprived on any toxic elements or harmful substances. Non-organic food is cheap in price, and the big scopes of its production can satisfy the global demand in food supplies. There is the starvation in the developing countries, and conventional food is an optimal way out.
Nevertheless, the question of sustainability and safety of non-organic food is open to debate. Long-term researches witness that conventional food is deprived of many nutrients and vitamins, essential for the human organism. Besides, the utilization of fertilizers and pesticides ruin the natural surroundings. In the long run, non-organic food may negatively influence the quality of human health and lead to serious diseases.
To sum up, both organic and conventional nutrition possesses strong and weak sides. The absolute value of each type is doubtful and has a dubious scientific confirmation. In any case, the experts admit that the choice of food is the subjective matter, which depends on individual preferences. The choice of food depends on the attitude toward the environmental protection, financial capacities and personal tastes. Since there is no universal scientific conclusion, both types of food can be utilized without significant damages.
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